Midwest Popular Culture Association
Theme for 2024:
Becoming MPCA/ACA:
The Virtual Graduate Student Mini Conference
Submit your work in progress paper (including the title of the presentation) to the appropriate area. Please do not submit the same proposal to more than one area. Returning this year to the Mini-Conference: TIPS (Teaching Ideas for Popular Culture Studies)! Submit ideas for teaching popular culture in your classes!
The Details
For more information or questions:
Deadline for receipt of proposals is Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (and will open on Sunday, October 8, 2023).
Please include your name, affiliation, and email address of each author/participant.
Works in Progress
TIPS (Teaching Ideas for Popular Culture Studies)
Professional Development
All papers should be written by or for graduate students (e.g. professional development panels). Individuals of all ranks are welcome to submit, but please tailor your papers to these audiences. Abstracts of 250 words are required for submission.
REGISTRATION FEES: Registration is $50 for presenting full-time faculty; $25 for presenting emerging scholars (including students) and independent scholars; $15 for those not presenting; free for non-presenting undergraduate students. Registration will open early January 2024.
Presenting individuals must register by March 1, 2024 to stay in the program.
Only registered participants will get the Zoom information.
Submit a Paper
Virtual Graduate Student Mini Conference Registration
After you complete registration you will be given the option to pay using PayPal. This PayPal option is what you will use if you are paying with a credit card, you do NOT need to have or use PayPal to use your card. You may register multiple participants in one transaction.
If you would prefer to not use this online system, a printable mail-in registration/membership form is available by clicking the button below. Please mail the form and payment to: MPCA, c/o Dr. Paul Booth, College of Communication, DePaul University, 14 E. Jackson, Chicago, IL 60604. If you are registering multiple participants, you will need multiple forms.
Any checks should be made payable to “Midwest Popular Culture Association.”
The rates for 2024 are as follows:
Presenting full-time faculty: $50
Presenting emerging scholars (including students) and independent scholars: $25
Non-presenters: $15
Non-presenting undergraduate students: FREE