Midwest Popular Culture Association
Normal Jones
Cylons, Dolls, and Hosts: The Cyborg Plot Twist in Science Fiction Television
"I'm Too Drunk to Taste This Chicken": The Hidden Poetry of Will Ferrell's Comedies
"Look at the Flowers": Utilitarian Themes in the Post-Apocalypse
"I'm Into This Woodworking Stuff": Hipster Masculinity and Adam Sackler on HBO's Girls
SPECIAL ISSUE: Monstrosity
Introduction to the Special Issue
Bernadette Marie Calafell
Removing Racism from White Bodies: Peter Cvjetanovic's White Masculine Monstrosity
Marouf Hasian, Jr. and Sean T. Lawson
"If It's in a Word": Intersectional Feminism, Precarity, and The Babadook
Awakening the Civic Dead: Political Mobilization of the Zombie in Real Time
ChicanX "Monsters" and ChicanX/LatinX "Futures" in Film (Or, Searching for LatinXs in Sci-Fi Movies)
Michael Lechuga, Roberto Avant-Mier, and Katherine Alanis Ramírez
Voting Horrors: Youthful, Monstrous, and Worrying Agency in American Film
Zaha Hadid: Locating the Monster within Architecture
Monstrosity in Everyday Life: Nepantleras, Theories in the Flesh, and Transformational Politics
Erecting and Impaling the Monstrous Social Justice Warrior in The Green Inferno
Something's Not Right: Monstrous Motherhood and Traumatic Survival in Among the Sleep