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Midwest Popular Culture Association

Vol 6, No 2 & 3

Popular Culture Studies Journal
Volume 6, Issue 2 & 3
Editor: Norma Jones

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Normal Jones


Cylons, Dolls, and Hosts: The Cyborg Plot Twist in Science Fiction Television

Emily Midkiff


"I'm Too Drunk to Taste This Chicken": The Hidden Poetry of Will Ferrell's Comedies

Laura Garrison


"Look at the Flowers": Utilitarian Themes in the Post-Apocalypse

Kristine Levan


"I'm Into This Woodworking Stuff": Hipster Masculinity and Adam Sackler on HBO's Girls

Michael Mario Albrecht


SPECIAL ISSUE: Monstrosity


Introduction to the Special Issue

Bernadette Marie Calafell


Transing Dystopia: Constituting Trans Monstrosity, Performing Trans Rage in Torrey Peters' Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones

Benny Lemaster


Removing Racism from White Bodies: Peter Cvjetanovic's White Masculine Monstrosity

Dawn Marie D. McIntosh


Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse and Other Neocolonial Monsters During the Endless Global War on Terrorism

Marouf Hasian, Jr. and Sean T. Lawson


"If It's in a Word": Intersectional Feminism, Precarity, and The Babadook

Claire Sisco King


Awakening the Civic Dead: Political Mobilization of the Zombie in Real Time

Nancy Wadsworth


A Very Well-Tailored Person Suit: Hannibal Lector, America Gothic, and Cannibal Neoliberal Capitalism

Alena Kiel


ChicanX "Monsters" and ChicanX/LatinX "Futures" in Film (Or, Searching for LatinXs in Sci-Fi Movies)

Michael Lechuga, Roberto Avant-Mier, and Katherine Alanis Ramírez


Resurrecting the Witch: The Reanimation of the Witch Archetype and Toxic Whie Femininity in American Horror Story: Coven

Marylou R. Naumoff


Crafting a Monstrously Queer Space: A Medicalized Gothic Reading of Nathaniel Highmore's Case of a Foetus Found in the Abdomen of a Young Man

Shane Miller


Voting Horrors: Youthful, Monstrous, and Worrying Agency in American Film

Derek Lewis


Zaha Hadid: Locating the Monster within Architecture

Cathryn Ladd


Monstrosity in Everyday Life: Nepantleras, Theories in the Flesh, and Transformational Politics

Robert Gutierrez-Perez


Erecting and Impaling the Monstrous Social Justice Warrior in The Green Inferno

Matthew Foy


Something's Not Right: Monstrous Motherhood and Traumatic Survival in Among the Sleep

Bianca Batti


The Literary Zombie in Robin Becker's Braines: "How Pop Culture Illuminates and Comments on the Current Zombie Crisis"

T. May Stone


Hair-raising and Knee-Taking: Colin Kaepernick's Monstrous Personal and Nonviolent Civil Disobedience

Scarlett R. Hester








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